Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Week One! There's Movement Already!


I've made it through my first week in braces. And it was not an easy week. The novelty of having braces is quickly waning. It seems like I'm brushing my teeth all the time. And flossing still takes upwards of 20 minutes each night. The good news is that eating has gotten much better. I can chew again with my molars.

For most of the week, I felt like I was starving. I was hungry all the time. After talking with a few people, I think my problem was that I wasn't getting enough protein in my diet. A few braced buddies from suggested I try eating a tablespoon or two of peanut butter each day. This has really helped, as has making a conscious effort to eat some protein with every meal.

Talking is still a bit of a challenge. While inquiring about the chef's special at a restaurant last night, I couldn't pronounce "special." It sounded more like "spessssshhhh."

The best news of the day is that there's been movement already! My teeth really are moving. I've noticed the most movement in my crooked front tooth. It's not as crooked anymore. The movement is subtle, but it's movement and I'm so thrilled.

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